"<p>In This video we will talk about variable scope in python. Through this video you will know all the basics and get a clear idea about variable scope in this Python tutorial.</p> <pre> <code>dictMatieres = {"math":(9.0, 3), "info":(20, 2.75),"physique":(11.25, 4), "histoire":(1, 1), "arabe":(13.25, 2), "francais":(14.75, 2), "anglais":(15.25, 1)} def calcul_moyenne(): somme = 0 sommeCoefs = 0 for key, value in dictMatieres.items(): somme += value[0] * value[1] sommeCoefs += value[1] moyenne = somme / sommeCoefs return (moyenne,somme,sommeCoefs) def calcul_mention(moy): if moy>=18: print('Excellent') elif moy>=16: print('Tres Bien') elif moy >=12: print('Bien') elif moy >=10: print('Passable') else: print('Redouble') moyenni= calcul_moyenne() print(moyenni[0]) moyenne = moyenni[0] somme = moyenni[1] calcul_mention(moyenni[0])</code></pre>"