"<p>This video is a tutorial on how to upload files with a Symfony 5 API. It goes over the concept of multipart requests and how to handle them with the help of the Api-Platform and VichUploader Bundle.</p> <p>As an example we will try to upload videos and images, but any other file format is acceptable.</p> <p>So we configured API platform to support the content Type multipart/form-data like this: </p> <pre> <code>//config/packages/api_platform.yml</code> <code>api_platform: mapping: paths: ['%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity'] patch_formats: json: ['application/merge-patch+json'] formats: json: ['application/json'] jsonld: ['application/json+ld'] html: ['text/html'] multipart: ['multipart/form-data'] swagger: versions: [3]</code> </pre> <p>After uploading the file using our API, we got 201 status code and the following response : </p> <pre> <code>{</code> <code> "id": 4, "title": "myVideo", "name": "6344056e820c0_badge-celebration.mp4",</code> <code>}</code></pre>"