"<p>Signup with E-mail Verification in Symfony 5.4</p> <p>Creating a signup process with e-mail verification is a common feature in many web applications. This process helps ensure that the user who is signing up for an account is providing a valid e-mail address and that they have access to that e-mail address. In this article, we will take a look at how to implement a signup process with e-mail verification in Symfony 5.4.</p> <p>The first step in creating a signup process with e-mail verification is to create a form for the user to fill out. This form should include fields for the user's name, e-mail address, and password. In Symfony, forms are created as classes that extend the <code>Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType</code> class. We can use the <code>Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type</code> namespace to add various fields to our form, such as <code>EmailType</code>, <code>TextType</code>, and <code>PasswordType</code>.</p> <p>Next, we will create a controller to handle the form submission. In this controller, we will use the Symfony's built-in validation to validate the form data. We will also use the Doctrine ORM to persist the user's information to the database. Once the user's information is saved to the database, we will send an e-mail to the user with a link to verify their e-mail address. The link will include a unique token that we will also store in the database. When the user clicks on the link, we will verify that the token is valid and update the user's account to indicate that their e-mail address has been verified.</p> <p>To send e-mails in symfony we can use <code>Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface</code> class. We will define an email template that will be sent to user, this template will include the unique token we generated earlier to be added as a parameter to the link.</p> <p>To validate the unique token we can use JWT (Json Web Token) to validate the token received. Symfony has built in support for JWT tokens.</p> <p>Finally, we will use Symfony's security component to protect the pages that require a verified e-mail address. We can create a custom voter or guard authenticator to check if the user's e-mail address is verified before allowing access to the protected pages.</p> <p>In summary, creating a signup process with e-mail verification in Symfony 5.4 involves creating a form, handling form submissions with validation, persisting the user's information to the database, sending an e-mail with a unique token, validating the token, and protecting pages that require a verified e-mail address. By using the built-in tools and features provided by Symfony, we can easily create a robust and secure signup process with e-mail verification.</p> <p>In this video we are going to add Sign up form with e-mail verification to our Symfony 5 admin application (Easy Admin 3 Application).</p> <p>You can find some Useful links here :</p> <p>Mailtrap : <a href="https://mailtrap.io">Mailtrap.io</a></p> <p>Documentation :</p> <p>Registration-form : <a href="https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/registration_form.html">Documentation</a></p> <p>Symfony Mailer : <a href="http://https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html#transport-setup Verify">Documentation</a></p> <p>Email Bundle : <a href="https://github.com/SymfonyCasts/verify-email-bundle">Documentation</a></p>"