"<p><strong>What is RabbitMQ? </strong></p> <p>RabbitMQ is a messaging broker - an intermediary for messaging. It gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.</p> <p>Also, it’s lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols (AMQP, MQTT STOMP)</p> <p><strong>What is Symfony messenger Component?</strong></p> <p>Messenger centers around two different classes that you'll create:</p> <p>1- A message class that holds data</p> <p>2- A handler(s) class that will be called when that message is dispatched. The handler class will read the message class and perform one or more tasks.</p> <p><strong>Requirements: </strong></p> <p>1-  Symfony (we will use the version 5.4):</p> <pre> <code>symfony new rabbitmq-demo --version=5.4 –full</code></pre> <p>2-  Messenger Component:</p> <pre> <code>composer require messenger</code></pre> <p>3-  RabbitMQ Instance (<a href="https://www.cloudamqp.com/">Create your instance</a>)</p> <p>4-  AMQP Protocol defined and configured in php.ini (<a href="https://youtu.be/r9CSUkGAJE8?list=PL_RyZMDRmjbYFZc0ktn7e8M6PM4Ah_4ZA">Tutorial</a>)</p> <p>This is a step by step article : <a href="https://devbrains.tn/blog/discover-rabbitmq-with-symfony-5">Discover RabbitMQ with Symfony 5 Project</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>"