"<h2>What Is Burnout?</h2> <p>One simple way to define burnout is that it is the result of excessive job stress. Here's how it goes:</p> <ol> <li>You have some tasks to do, whether it's for work or school, you are 100% committed, productive, and satisfied with what you're doing.</li> <li>These tasks that seemed easy a few days ago, turn out to be something else: You can feel it's going to take you much longer than you predicted to finish them, and that they're getting harder and harder.</li> <li>At this point, stress increases to the point where it becomes a daily feeling, along with fatigue and a loss of motivation.</li> <li><strong>BURNOUT</strong>: head & stomach aches, a feeling of emptiness & pessimism, social isolation, … If you have ever felt that you're burning out, or that someone you know might be, then take note, these practices will make you feel better.</li> </ol> <h1>How to Deal With Burnout?</h1> <h2><a id="1. Get More Sleep" name="1. Get More Sleep">1. Get More Sleep</a></h2> <p>A lot of people seem to underestimate the power that <strong>8 hours</strong> of sleep will give them. A lack of sleep will not only result in a lack of concentration, stress, ..., but it will also definitely pave the way to burnout! Simple Solution: Just add another item to your daily checklist:</p> <p>            • 8 hours of sleep</p> <h2>2. Reevaluate Your Priorities</h2> <p>Yes work is important, yes school is important, but so is exercise, going out with your friends. Having time for yourself is a <em>priority</em>. So never put yourself last!</p> <h2>3. Say NO!</h2> <p>If you already have a lot to do and feel you're already towards burnout, then the worst thing you can do is say "Yes" to new obligations. Whenever there is a new opportunity: stop, breather, ask yourself "Do I have to do it now?", "Why should I take this new responsibility?" Believe me, the result will astonish you.</p> <h2>4. Set Some Boundaries</h2> <p>If you think it's Ok for your boss to email you every 10 minutes, then you have a problem! It is you who sets the expectation when people will hear back from you. Try checking your emails/text messages two times a day, once in the morning, and once before you sleep. Don't waste your time stressing out over an email!</p> <h1>You Can Do This!</h1> <p>Burnout is a stage that we have all been through, and guess what, we've managed to deal with it! You can do this, you can get your peace of mind, joy, and optimism back, and the only way to do that is YOU deciding to take back control of your day.</p> <hr /> <h3>Key Points</h3> <p>How to Avoid Burnout?<br />    1. Get More Sleep<br />    2. Reevaluate Your Priorities<br />    3. Say NO!<br />    4. Set Some Boundaries</p> <hr /> <p> </p>"